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37 Weeks Pregnant: Week-by-Week Guide
6 mins read

IN THIS ARTICLE – At this stage of your journey, new developments are beginning to unfold. Check out this week-by-week guide to find out what’s in store for your baby and your body in week 37 of pregnancy.


Your baby at 37 weeks pregnant | Week 37 pregnancy symptoms | Mom's tip of the week | Baby brain waves | Pregnancy health | Join Enfamil Family Beginnings


  • What trimester is 37 weeks? Third trimester
  • How many weeks of pregnancy are left? Three
  • How many months is 37 weeks pregnant? You’re in your ninth month.

With week 36 of your pregnancy complete, you’re on week 37. Enjoy it, as week 38 is on the horizon! 

One of the most exciting things about pregnancy is how many changes you’ll experience with your little one over the span of just 7 days! Here’s some tips and tricks to keep on top of all that’s happening.

Your Baby at 37 Weeks Pregnant

What's Happening in There

  • Your baby is the size of a bunch of Swiss chard.
  • You’re in the ninth month of pregnancy and the third trimester.
  • The countdown continues: you’ve got 3 weeks to go!

What Happens During the 37th Week of Pregnancy?

  • Tipping the scale: Your baby probably weighs in at about 6.5 pounds if they are average size. While each child is different, baby boys generally tend to weigh more than girls.
  • Bulking up: They are putting on weight at a rapid pace. Your baby at 37 weeks is gaining about half an ounce a day.
  • Almost showtime: Your baby, now a 37-week fetus, is considered early full term. What does this mean? All of your baby’s organs are ready to function outside the womb, and if you deliver at 37 weeks pregnant, your little one should be ready. But experts advise that 39 weeks is truly full term.

What Should I Be Feeling at 37 Weeks Pregnant?

  • You may feel your baby wiggle more than kick. It’s pretty cramped in there now!
  • You may be seeing your healthcare provider every week. They'll be checking your baby’s position, size, and health, as well as your cervix for signs of dilation and effacement (thinning).

Baby Position at 37 Weeks

Your little one is in the fetal position. This means the baby's chin is tucked down and their knees and arms are hugged close to the chest. All of this curling helps your baby take up less space in their crowded home. It also means your peanut is moving around less throughout the day.

Signs of Labor at 37 Weeks

Labor could begin any day now, or it may still be weeks away. Keep an eye out for these symptoms of labor at 37 weeks, which could mean your baby’s debut will be right around the corner.

  • You may lose your mucus plug, which has been protecting your baby from bacteria and infection. Passing it means your cervix is starting to dilate or efface (thin). You may notice a clear or yellowish discharge. Losing the mucus plug isn’t exactly the best indication of when you’ll go into labor, just that it’ll be happening at some point soon. It could be hours, days, or weeks. Every mama is different.
  • As your cervix begins to dilate in preparation for labor, you may also notice the “bloody show,” a mucus discharge tinged with blood. If you have bright red discharge or more than an ounce of blood (approximately two tablespoons), call your doctor right away.
  • You may have real labor contractions, as opposed to Braxton Hicks contractions. Labor contractions continue to intensify, increase in frequency, and don’t let up with a change in position.

How Big Is Your Baby at 37 Weeks Pregnant?

 37 Weeks Pregnant

Baby Weight

6.5 lbs

Baby Length

20 inches from crown to heel

Baby Size

Comparable to a bunch of Swiss chard

Week 37 Pregnancy Symptoms

During week 37 of pregnancy, your body is changing quickly. As your baby grows, you will too, and there are certain pregnancy symptoms you may experience at this time.

  1. You may lose the mucus plug and notice the bloody show. If you do, tell your healthcare provider at your next appointment.
  2. The pressure from your baby’s head on your pelvis and bladder may have you making frequent bathroom trips. A belly support band can alleviate some of the pressure on your joints and ligaments by distributing your baby’s weight across your tummy and back.
  3. A belly support band may also help with lightning crotch, a late pregnancy symptom that causes short, sharp jolts of pain in the vagina, pelvis, or rectum. This common issue may result from your stretched ligaments, the baby’s movement, and pressure from the baby on pelvic nerves.
  4. Back pain, including sciatica, is common during the third trimester. Your shifted center of gravity and loosened ligaments cause this condition that pinches or irritates the sciatic nerve in your spine. You’ll feel pain radiating from your lower back through the back of your legs all the way to your feet. Stretching, warm baths, or a heating pad may give you some relief.
  5. Remember that nauseous feeling from your morning sickness days? It could be back as a cue that the big day is coming soon. Diarrhea can also be a sign of labor at 37 weeks.

Mom's Tip of the Week

Did You Know...?

It's nesting time. In spite of your growing belly and increasing discomfort at 37 weeks pregnant, you might be surprised by an overwhelming urge to clean, cook, or get organized. If so, you’re nesting, which is perfectly normal at this point in your pregnancy. Indulge that instinct a little, but don’t overdo it—you need to save your strength for the birth process.

Baby Brain Waves

Your Baby’s Brain Is Developing.

Even at 37 weeks pregnant, your baby’s head continues to grow. At birth, it will be a half-inch larger than their chest! What’s your baby doing with all that brain room? In part, they’re improving the connections between the neurons and muscles, which is allowing your little one to develop fine motor skills, like grasping a tiny toe. But birth isn’t the end of brain development.

Through the first two years of life, your baby’s brain develops more rapidly than it ever will again. In fact, the brain grows 175% in the first year of life. Remember that nutrition (with brain-nourishing DHA in breast milk or formula) and stimulation (through everyday learning activities) are important ways to support your baby’s brain development.

Pregnancy Health

Real Issues, Real Solutions.

The issue: Unless you're planning on a home delivery, you've probably got a few days in the hospital in your near future.

The solution: While things are calm, it's a good time to start packing for the hospital to make your stay homier. Wondering what to pack? Here are some items to put on your list.

More Info You Might Find Helpful:

Learn more about your pregnancy, including pregnancy planning and pregnancy nutrition to feel prepared to continue this magical adventure. You’re armed with the facts, what to do, and now you can take time to connect with the little one growing inside you.

 With week 36 in the rearview mirror and week 37 going strong, look to the future and what's coming up in week 38!

Join Enfamil Family Beginnings

At 37 weeks pregnant, you’re more than halfway there. Start preparing for your new arrival with Enfamil Family Beginnings. It’s the perfect resource for new and expecting moms. Save on Enfamil products, track your bump and baby’s growth, and get helpful articles each week relevant to your journey. Join now for up to $400 in free gifts.

All information on Enfamil, including but not limited to information about health, medical conditions, and nutrition, is intended for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for a healthcare professional's medical identification, advice, or management for specific medical conditions. You should seek medical care and consult your doctor or pediatrician for any specific health or nutrition issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment, care, or help because of information you have read on Enfamil.