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Baby Development: Eight Month Milestones

Baby Development: Eight Month Milestones

Your baby is growing at lightning speed! At eight months old, they’re becoming more curious, active, and independent. Let's explore what you can expect during this exciting stage of your baby’s development.

What to Look For During Baby’s Eighth Month

Eight months is a time of rapid change. Your little one is becoming more aware of their surroundings and is eager to explore.

  • Increased curiosity: Your baby will be fascinated by everything around them. They might reach for objects, put things in their mouth, and explore their environment with their hands and feet.
  • Developing social skills: You'll notice your baby becoming more interactive, smiling, laughing, and responding to your voice and touch.
  • Improved motor skills: Your baby's movements are becoming more coordinated, and they might be able to sit up without support for longer periods.

Movement Milestones

Your baby is becoming quite the little mover! They’re discovering their body and how to use it to explore their world.

  • Crawling: Many babies start to crawl around this age, although some might scoot or roll.
  • Pulling up: Your baby might start pulling themselves up to a standing position while holding onto furniture.
  • Improved balance: As your baby gets stronger, they'll be able to sit up independently for longer periods.

Visual and Hearing Milestones

Your baby’s senses are developing rapidly, allowing them to take in the world around them in new ways. While your baby may not be able to use words yet, they’re likely to communicate with you in other ways!

  • Depth perception: Your baby's ability to judge distances is improving, so they might start to reach for objects more accurately.
  • Recognizing familiar faces: Your little one may be able to easily recognize and respond to the people they see most often.
  • Responding to sounds: Your baby may enjoy listening to music and will turn their head towards sounds.

Smelling and Touch Milestones

Your baby is learning about the world through their senses of smell and touch. Get ready to for heartwarming moments of discovery as your baby may start:

  • Showing preferences: They might show a preference for certain smells, like food or their favorite blanket.
  • Exploring textures: Your baby will enjoy touching different textures, like soft fabrics, rough surfaces, and water.
  • Developing a sense of self: Your little one may start to explore their own body parts and discover their hands and feet.

Developmental Milestones

Your baby's brain is developing rapidly, leading to new skills and abilities. Compared to the previous month, you might see more progress, curiosity, and confidence. This is an especially great time to try different developmental activities with your children!

  • Babbling: They'll start to babble more and imitate sounds you make.
  • Understanding language: Your baby will begin to understand simple words and commands, like "no" or "come here."
  • Object permanence: They'll start to understand that objects still exist even when they can't see them.

When to Talk to Your Pediatrician About Baby’s Development at 8 Months

While it's normal for babies to develop at different paces, it's important to keep track of your baby's milestones with their pediatrician. It’s best to keep up with regular check-ups so that you can monitor your baby’s individual progress and get a sense from your doctor how to best help your unique child with their unique needs.

Celebrate Your Baby's 8-Month Milestones with Enfamil Family Beginnings®

Let’s celebrate every moment of your baby's growth by making your parenting journey easier! Join our supportive community to dive deep into your little one's 8-month milestones. From crawling adventures to babbling discoveries, we provide expert tips, personalized advice, and exclusive offers tailored to this exciting stage. Connect with other parents, share your joys, and make memories that last a lifetime. Don't miss out – sign up with Enfamil Family Beginnings® today!

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