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How to Bottle-Feed a Baby

How to Bottle-Feed Your Baby: Step-by-Step

There’s much more to bottle-feeding than simply pouring liquid into the bottle. Explore our expert advice on how to bottle-feed a baby below, so that both you and your little one get the most out of the experience.

1. Keep it personal

Just as with breastfeeding and bonding, bottle-feeding can provide your little one with warmth, comfort, eye contact, skin contact, your scent, your conversation—the very basics of bonding. So talk, croon, cuddle, and enjoy your quiet time together.

2. Set the scene

Pick a quiet, comfy spot where neither of you will be distracted. Holding your baby in a semi-upright position makes swallowing easier. To cradle her most easily in this position, you can first place a pillow on your lap.

3. Maintain proper hygiene

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before preparing formula. Cleanliness is crucial when you’re learning how to bottle-feed your baby.

4. Measure every time you fill a bottle

Whether you’re using ready-to-pour, liquid concentrate, or powdered formula, follow the instructions for preparation based on the amount you want to serve. If you’re not precise, you can upset your baby’s digestive system or cause her to miss out on her nutrient intake.

5. Skip the microwave

Many babies are fine drinking formula at room temperature or even from bottles that have been premade and stored in the fridge. It’s perfectly nutritious.
If you want to warm a bottle, however, you can do so by immersing it in a pot of warm water until it’s lukewarm. You can check the temperature of warmed formula on your wrist. Avoid heating the bottle in the microwave, as this can create uneven hot spots that can burn your baby’s mouth.

6. Take burp breaks

All babies tend to need burping after they eat. Because bottle-fed babies usually take in more air, which can make them uncomfortable, it helps to pause for a burp every 2 to 3 ounces of formula.

7. Watch your baby’s signals

With formula, you know exactly how much is in the bottle and how much your baby is drinking. Nonetheless, these numbers matter less than your baby’s response. Your baby will let you know by her behaviors when she’s hungry (such as opening her mouth, sucking her hand, or squirming) and when she’s had enough (such as releasing the nipple or falling asleep).

8. Consider a breast-bottle combo

Many moms don’t realize that feeding isn’t necessarily an either-or (breast or bottle) choice. After a breast-feeding mom’s milk supply is established, you may be able to supplement with occasional bottles of formula—handy for a babysitter or if you work and dislike pumping.

9. Know that others can help

The beauty of learning how to bottle-feed a baby is that, even though you still share a happy, natural bonding time with your baby, you can now extend the experience to others in your life. It’s smart to let your partner, parents, or other caregivers have the pleasure sometimes—allowing you to rest up for baby care and play.

Are you looking for more info on how to bottle-feed a baby? Check out our baby nutrition tips today for additional advice on your baby’s diet.

All information on Enfamil, including but not limited to information about health, medical conditions, and nutrition, is intended for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for a healthcare professional's medical identification, advice, or management for specific medical conditions. You should seek medical care and consult your doctor or pediatrician for any specific health or nutrition issues. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment, care, or help because of information you have read on Enfamil.