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Language Activities for Toddlers

Language Activities for Toddlers

Hearing your toddler's voice is amazing. And even better when you can help her have little conversations with you.

Helping your child develop her language skills may be one of the most enjoyable tasks you'll ever undertake. Why? Because you get to talk to her, and listen to the wonderful way her mind works as she answers.

Talk her through an activity

Explain what you're doing as you do it. Speak clearly.

Let her see your face as you speak

This way she can watch how your mouth makes sounds.

Speak at her level

Don't use baby talk, or overly hard words. Stress the syllables.

Listen to her

Build her confidence by showing her that what she says is important.

Don't point out mistakes

Instead, repeat the whole sentence saying the word correctly.

Try to read every day

Children who read early and easily are those who were read to at home.

Read predictable books

Soon she'll be “reading” it by herself. Some good examples are: I Went Walking, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Peanut Butter and Jelly and Little Red Hen.

Play with writing

If she's interested in pencils and paper, let her try.

Play Object Hide-and-Seek

Hide a favorite toy and ask her to find it.

Play labeling games

Point to familiar things and ask her to name them.

Act out action words

Like crawl, jump, or sleep.


Introduce nursery rhymes, finger plays and counting rhymes. Listen to them on CD.

Play imitating games

Like “This is The Way We Wash Our Face” or “I'm A Little Teapot.”

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