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Mediterranean Rollups

Mediterranean Rollups

You’ll never say "Where’s the meat?" when eating this delicious super-fast vegetarian sandwich. Just stop by the specialty section of your grocery store deli for prepared tabouli and hummus, and a package of lavash.

Hands-on - 5 min
Serves 2

10" lavash flat bread* or flour tortilla 1
ready-made hummus 1/4 cup
ready-made tabouli 1/4 cup
Romaine lettuce leaves, whole or chopped 10
Alfalfa or bean sprouts (optional) 1 cup
tomatoes, chopped 2 lg
red-tipped lettuce leaves or purple kale (optional) 10


  • Lay out on a flat surface.
  • Pile hummus and tabouli in a long row, side by side on lavash or tortilla.
  • Add lettuce generously.
  • Add sprouts and tomatoes as desired.
  • Starting from the edge of a long side, roll it up. Cut in half. If eating later, wrap in plastic wrap.
  • To eat as a sandwich: peel back a few inches of plastic wrap, eat.
  • To eat as an appetizer, let "set" in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 hours. Then remove the plastic wrap. Cut the rolls into 1" slices, using a sawing motion.
  • Serve cut side up on a platter garnished with red-tipped lettuce or purple kale.

*Find lavash (sometimes spelled lawash) in the deli or bakery section of your grocery store. It's a large, flat bread like a tortilla.

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Nutrition information

For half roll-up  
Calories 187
Calories from Fat 28%
Fat 6 g
Saturated Fat 0 g
Fiber 5 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 364 mg
Protein 7 g
Total Carbohydrate 29 g
Sugars 1 g


Lickety-Split Meals

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