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Reaching Milestones: 10 Months

Reaching Milestones: 10 Months

All babies have their own timetable, but you can watch for certain developments in your 10-month-old. Celebrate with your baby as she reaches or nears these milestones.

All babies have their own timetable, but you can watch for certain developments in your 10-month-old. Celebrate with your baby as she reaches or nears these milestones.


  • Understands how to use many objects (cuddling a stuffed toy, shaking a rattle, putting a cup to lips)
  • Understands object permanence well (will look for an object that’s hidden because she knows it’s there)
  • Expanding attention span, from two to three minutes at 8 months to 15 minutes at 12 months
  • Attracted to novelty (new toys, objects)
  • Explores playthings in new ways (touching, banging, dropping)
  • Increasingly shows memory of recent events


  • Rolls over quickly and suddenly
  • Crawls
  • Has good accuracy picking up objects with fingers (the pincer grasp)
  • Getting better at releasing objects from grasp
  • Points and pokes with index finger
  • Feeds self, though messily
  • May drink from cup
  • Sits up unsupported for long periods
  • May pull herself to standing
  • Stands with support (holding onto fingers or furniture)
  • Crawls up stairs (so watch out!)
  • Cruises along furniture (but help her stay safe)


  • Recognizes own name
  • Understands many things said to her
  • Shakes head or frowns to express “no” or as a response to “no”
  • Holds out arms to be picked up
  • Babbles in long groups of consonant and vowel sounds, like “tata upupup ba ba ba!”
  • Babbles using the cadences and inflections of real conversation
  • May use “Ma ma” and “Da da” to refer specifically to parents
  • May say other early words, though probably not with good pronunciation (“ba ba” for “bottle,” “mok” for “milk”)


  • Accurately mimics expressions and sounds made by others
  • Enjoys being around other babies (but can’t yet play together)
  • Enjoys watching older children
  • Watches for your reactions (to banging or laughing)
  • Stranger anxiety (shyness around strangers) continues
  • Shows separation anxiety (crying or showing distress when you leave the room), which peaks between 10 and 18 months
  • May wave good-bye

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