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Scrumptious Swiss Oats

Scrumptious Swiss Oats

Think you don’t like oatmeal ’cause it’s gloppy? Have you tried uncooked oats, the Swiss way? You won’t believe how absolutely delicious this dish is! This also makes a great “dish to pass” for a morning meeting. Bye-bye doughnuts.

Hands-on - 5 min. (p.m.) & 15 min. (a.m.) Serves 4 to 8 people.

Ingredients For 4 For 8
oats (quick-cooking or old-fashioned) 1½ cups 3 cups
skim, 1/2% or soy milk 1 1/4 cups 2 1/2 cups
honey 2 T 1/4 cup
ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp 1 tsp
any variety of fresh or dried fruit 3 cups 6 cups
chopped walnuts, pecans or almonds 1/4 cup 1/2 cup


  • Stir together oats, milk, honey and cinnamon in a large bowl and allow to soak in refrigerator, covered, overnight.
  • Add fruit and nuts and gently mix together. Serve.

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Nutrition information

For 1/2 cup serving with blueberries, banana and apple  
Calories 282
Calories from Fat 25%
Fat 8 g
Saturated Fat 1 g
Fiber 7 g
Cholesterol 1 mg
Sodium 44 mg
Protein 9 g
Total Carbohydrate 49 g
Sugars 23 g

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