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Tips for Morning Sickness Relief

Tips for Morning Sickness Relief

Morning sickness is a common occurrence among pregnant women. Enfamil® has created a list of tips to provide you with morning sickness relief.

Fact: You are more likely to experience morning sickness if you're pregnant with more than one baby.

Fact: Morning sickness includes nausea, queasiness and/or vomiting.

Fact: More than 2/3 of pregnant women experience some type of morning sickness.

Fact: Morning sickness can occur at any time of day.

Fact: Some researchers believe morning sickness is caused by a rise in hormone levels.

Fact: You should call your doctor if your nausea or vomiting is can't keep fluids down, have a small amount of dark urine, are dizzy or faint, have a racing heart beat, or are vomiting blood.

Here are some tips for coping with your morning sickness:

  • Keep crackers by the bed, so you can eat some before you get up.
  • Get out of bed slowly.
  • Eat light meals and snack throughout the day.
  • Avoid an empty stomach.
  • Drink lots of water or other fluids.
  • Avoid odors that bother you.
  • If you're nauseous, try crackers, toast, applesauce or bananas.
  • Try sipping on bubbly or sweet cold drinks.

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